Golf Guru
Brand Identity
Digital Design
Product Design
When James Sinclair and I founded Golf Guru in 2019 there was a huge void in good modern recourses for how to improve your golfing mind. Every golfer understands how important having a resilient mind is when it comes to playing and enjoying really good golf. We set about building an application that would teach golfers how to improve their golf by improving their mindset.
Heading up the design across product and brand I set a brand direction of showing golfers the impact of working on their mental performance and created a visual language that is a modern take on traditional golfing heritage palettes and typography. Working across brand design, product design and operations.

I built multiple iterations of the Golf Guru app from no-code to full production building and releasing key feature sets to encourage golfers to see their golf in a new light, and backing that up with objective data on their improvement. I built the design system, UX and UI and managed a team of engineers to deliver each iteration of the application.
At the same time steering the creative direction of the brand which required a mixture of informative content and simple lockups for provocative messaging across multi-channel promotion.